Iglesia Ebenezer
Academic Soccer Achievement Program - ASAP
email: asapumd@gmail.com
Tydings Hall 1101, 7343 Preinkert Dr, College Park, University of Maryland
Fall Program
September 14-December 7
Spring Program
February 15-May 9
6:30 - 8:00pm
Mission Statement:
Our mission is “to inspire, support, and provide minority students the necessary tools so they can graduate from the University.
La misión de ASAP es "inspirar, apoyar y nutrir a los estudiantes de las minorías proveyendo las herramientas necesarias para que puedan un día graduarse de la Universidad.
Purpose: Our vision is to create, develop, nurture, and multiply L.E.A.D.E.R.S. We want our students to honor and live by the core values of our program: LEADERSHIP, EXCELLENCE, ACHIEVEMENT, DISCIPLINE, EFFORT, RESPECT, and SERVICE.
Nuestra visión es crear, desarrollar, cultivar y multiplicar líderes (LEADERS). Queremos que nuestros estudiantes se comprometa a honrar y vivir por los valores fundamentales de nuestro programa: liderazgo, la excelencia, el logro, la disciplina, el esfuerzo, respeto y servicio."
During the spring and fall semester our students receive academic support most Fridays from 6:30-8:00 pm. in areas such as writing, reading, and math. We are working with students in grades Pre Kinder-7th grade.
During the summer program students receive not only academic support but also play soccer at the University of Maryland from 9:00 am to 4:00 p.m.
Durante la primavera y el otoño nuestros estudiantes reciben apoyo académico los viernes por una hora y media durante las tardes en áreas como lectura, escribir y matemática. Estamos trabajando con estudiantes de kinder-quinto grado.